Events - Tue 10th Nov 2009 - Kenton Cool Lecture - Sheffield - Heason Events

Kenton Cool Lecture - Sheffield

10th Nov 2009 @ 20:30

Kenton Cool Everest

5 years since Sheffield* and not a single boulder in sight


NOTE: All visitors to this lecture will be given a free one-week trial membership to the Virgin Active Gym on Broadfield Rd, Broadfield Park.


Buy Tickets (notes: no actual ticket will be sent to you, just bring along the email confirmation; if you buy a concessionary ticket please bring along proof of your concession (concessions for Student, OPS's & Under 16's); only one ticket can be purchased at a time; no guarantee can be made prior to the event that the speker's language will be suitable for under 16's; there is limited seating at The Lescar, some of the audience will have to stand):


*Kenton's last talk at the Lescar (5 years ago) was entitled 'Everest The Easy way'


How to get to the Lescar.


Supported by:

Virgin Active Health Clubs UKClimbing

Lescar, Sheffield