Blog Archive - 2018 - Heason Events

Blog Archive - 2018

P5100113 13th Jun 2018 No Regrets

Last Saturday I'd hatched a plan to head out and camp somewhere with Dylan.  His brother was on a sleepover and my wife had a friend visiting. The forecast was good. As often happens, the day...

Isatis Sustainability 15th May 2018 Who Gives A Crap?

My boys have now travelled to Europe enough times to know not to venture into caves or under boulders without checking first for toilet paper. They are 9 and 11 and are completely grossed out...

Running Club 1 16th Apr 2018 Running A Running Club

A few years back I used to take my oldest (then 8) and a couple of his friends to a local running club. The Hope Valley Hurricanes meet on a Thursday night in Hope throughout the year and in all...

hvaff logo 10th Apr 2018 Hope Valley Adventure Film Festival.

HVAFF was established back in 2010 and it is easy to see how it has become a favourite fixture in the calendars of many families and outdoor enthusiasts.  In the words of the founders HVAFF set...

Cliffhanger big marquee 2011 16th Jan 2018 A Sad Goodbye

Here's an email I just sent to all my Cliffhanger contacts. Thought I would share on here for those who are interested. It is with regret that I am emailing you to inform you that Heason Events...

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