Walking - Leki Micro Vario Ti System Walking Poles - Heason Events

Leki Micro Vario Ti System Walking Poles

21st Nov 2019

We were originally attracted by these poles because of their compactness, observing that there would be no problem in packing them for a flight when taking hand luggage only. Measuring less than 40cm when dissembled they are far shorter than ‘normal’ alternatives.

Leki Micro Vario Ti SYSTEM

When assembling them for the first time we experienced a problem interpreting the picture instructions. The word/instruction ‘Click’ didn’t convey the fact that two sections must be pulled very firmly away from one another longitudinally against the resistance of a stiff internal spring to allow a metal stud-button to pop out locking them into place. It is not an intuitive action unless one had become familiar with such a manipulation in other circumstances.

Something to be wary of is the fact that when you disassemble the poles it is necessary to leave the cam lever in a closed position. Failure to do so means that the adjustable nut which it tightens against can work itself loose.

Once the assembly technique is mastered the poles are straightforward to use; lightweight with very comfortable wrist straps. They fit comfortably inside even a small day sack. The low profile baskets are a sensible balance between support and being so big that they catch on rocks and vegetation. We have no adverse comments to make and admire the quality of materials and workmanship. They retail at £135 for the pair.

More info on the Leki website.