Podcasts - May 2012 - Heason Events

Podcasts - May 2012

As regularly as we can we'll be posting links to our very own Heason Events Podcasts here. If you have an idea for a Podcast, would like to feature in one, or would like to sponsor one please drop us a line

You can check here or follow us on Audioboo or why not subscribe by iTunes so you'll never miss one.

28th May 2012 Heason Events podcast #15 climber Jamie Andrew

Lissa Cook talks to Jamie Andrew - the Scottish mountaineer who had his hands and feet amputated following a horrific accident in the French Alps - about his rehabilitation, sporting achievements...

Anna Heather Frost 17th May 2012 Podcast #14: Anna Frost - Ultrarunner

Adventure sports writer and athlete Nik Cook talks to Team Saloman ultra runner Anna Frost ahead of her win at the Transvulcania race in La Palma on May 11th. listen to ‘Heason Events...

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